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更新时间:2020年11月01日06:18:33 打印此页 关闭
摘要: 关于搭乘航班赴华人员须凭新冠病毒核酸检测及血清抗体检测双阴性证明乘机的通知为减少疫情跨境传播,自2020年11月5日起(含11月5日),从埃及出发,搭乘航班赴华的中、外籍乘客,须凭新冠病毒核酸检测阴性证明和血清特异性IgM抗体(简称血清IgM抗体)检测阴性证明(简称双阴性证明),申领带“HS”标识的绿色健康码或健康状况声明书。现就具体要求通知如下:一、检测要...



Notice onAirline Boarding Requirements for Certificates of Negative Nucleic Acid andAnti-Body Blood Tests Results


In order to reduce cross-bordertransmission of Covid-19, starting from November 5, 2020 (aforementioned dateincluded), all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from Egypt toChina will be required to take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests, and thenapply for a green health code with the "HS” mark or a certified healthdeclaration form with both above negative test certificates (i.e. DoubleNegative Certificates). The specific requirements are as follows:

I. Test Requirements

Passengers going to China via directflights from Egypt must take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests respectivelywithin 48 hours before boarding (effective as the sample collection time). Theymust take the tests at a medical institution designated or recognized by theChinese Embassy in Egypt (attached herewith). If both the nucleic acid test andIgM anti-body test results are negative, they can then apply at the Chinese Embassyin Egypt for a green health code with the “HS” mark or a certified healthdeclaration form with certificates of negative results of both tests. (Note:IgM anti-body test sample must be from the arm vein blood. Finger blood testresult is NOT accepted.)

Passengers from Egypt going to China viaconnecting flights must take the FIRST nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests in Egypt,and the SECOND nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests should be made in thetransit country, and they shall apply to the Chinese Embassies in both Egyptand the transit country (direct flight to China) for green health codes withthe “HS” mark or certified health declaration forms.

The first tests must be made at thedesignated or recognized institutions by the Chinese Embassy in Egypt and becompleted in 48 hours before the departure time (started from the samplecollection time), including sample collection, nucleic acid and IgM tests (fromarm vein blood), and the issue of negative test results.

The second tests must be made in thetransit country (direct flight for China), and must be completed in 48 hoursbefore the departure time (started from the sample collection time), includingsample collection, nucleic acid and IgM tests (from arm vein blood), and theissue of negative test results.

II. Chinese Passengers Applying for GreenHealth Code with the “HS” Mark

Chinese passengers must upload to theWeChat Health Code app photos of their negative nucleic acid and IgM anti-bodytests results, which will then be examined and verified by the Chinese Embassyin Egypt. Then they will obtain the green health code with the "HS” mark. TheAirlines running direct flights to China will check the passenger’s HS mark byChinese Embassy in Egypt before boarding. Passengers must board within the HSmark validity period and cooperate with the airlines. Please prepare thefollowing for airport and airline inspection: the printed negative nucleic acidtest certificate printed negative IgM anti-body test certificate.

III. Foreign Passengers Applying forCertified Health Status Declaration Form

When they have the Double NegativeCertificates, foreign passengers must email the scanned copies of theirnegative nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests certificates along with theirpassport information page, and the signed health declaration form to theChinese Embassy in Egypt’s email-box (consulate_egy@mfa.gov.cn). The Chinese Embassyin Egypt will then examine and verify the above information and email thestamped certified health declaration form back to the passenger. Passengers areadvised to print the form out and bring the form with them to the airport. TheAirlines will check the certified health declaration form issued by the ChineseEmbassy before boarding. Passengers must board the flight within the Formvalidity period and cooperate for the Airlines inspection. Please take alongthe printed nucleic acid test and IgM anti-body certificates for inspection bythe airport and Airlines.

IV. Reminder:

Please read the requirements carefully andfollow them accordingly. Failure to obtain the negative nucleic acid and IgManti-body tests certificates, and failure to have the green health code withthe "HS” mark or a certified health declaration form will mean that you donot qualify for boarding the flight  toChina and thus you will have to change your itinerary.

Presently the Cairo Airport does not havethe capacity to do the rapid tests. The Chinese in the third country andforeign passengers are suggested to be cautious to take Egypt transit to China,in case the second tests could not be arranged in due time and passengers arestranded at airport, which increases their risk of infection. Pandemic in Egyptis still serious, and the international organizations and Egyptian expertsstate that there is a high percentage of minor and asymptomatic infection ofCovid-19. The Chinese citizens in the third country and foreigners travellingto China are suggested to be cautious of the risk of infection when they cometo Egypt and take the second tests.Passengers departing from a third countryand transiting to China via Egypt, in addition to their first nucleic acid testand IgM anti-body test at the place of departure, must undergo a second nucleicacid test and IgM anti-body test in Egypt. Passengers with Double-negative TestReports within 48 hours before the flight, shall apply to the Chinese Embassyin Egypt for a green health code with the “HS” mark or a certified healthdeclaration form before boarding.

The Chinese citizens in Egypt and foreignpassengers should be cautious to select transit stop to China, in case of beingunable to enter the transit country to take the tests, or not qualifying forthe HS code or certified health certificate, which would result the unwantedstay in the transit state, and an increased risk of infection. If they decideto take transit flights to China, they should know in advance about therequirement of the validity of “Double Negative Certificates” of nucleic acidand IgM anti-body tests, the recognized or designated test institutions by theChinese Embassy in the transit country, and they should be aware of the entryregulations of the transit country and its requirement on nucleic acid and IgManti-body tests. If the transit airport does not have the rapid test capacity,passengers should obtain the visa of the transit country for the second testsin advance.

The Chinese Embassy reminds the passengersto declare their personal information according to the truth. To provide realand effective nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests certificates. Those whoconceal their Covid-19 infection, or alter or forge nucleic acid and IgManti-body test certificates, will be pursued on their legal responsibilityafterwards according to the law.

List of Medical Institutions Designated or Recognized

 by the Chinese Embassy in Egypt


1. Center of Genomic Medicine, CairoUniversity Hospital-Qasr AlAini Hospital

(1) Address:30°01'51.1"N31°13'38.9"E

(2)Business hours:09:00am-12:00am, EverySunday to Wednesday

2. Supreme Council of University HospitalsReference Lab of University Hospitals

(1) Address:30°04'33.7"N31°17'28.8"E

(2)Booking Line:  01129040488/01111504441

3. Om ElNor Hospital

(1) Address:6th Floor, No.24&26, ShamsElDin Golden St. Heliopolis

(2)Booking Line:01099996998/01099110058/01101639999

4. Clinical pathology laboratory, Facultyof Medicine, Alexandria University

(1) Address:Groud Floor of ClinicalPathology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine of Alexandria University, AlkhartoomSquare Alazarita, Champollion Street, Alexandria

(2)Booking Line:

Mr. Mahmoud Saleh 01224054731

Mr. Wael Amara 01227610152

5.Central Public Health Laboratories

(1) Address:19 El-Shaikh Rihan, Ad Dawawin,Abdeen, Cairo Governorate

(2)Businesshours: 08:00am-15:30pm, Everyday
